Infant Development Program

When your baby needs extra help…
If you are concerned about your child’s development, the Infant Development Program can help. The Infant Development Program serves children from birth to three years old who are at risk for, or who already have a delay in development. Programs are available throughout British Columbia. Each program brings parents and professionals together to help children overcome developmental difficulties.
It’s an opportunity…
For parents to:
- Learn ways to encourage your child’s development
- Meet other parents
- Discuss parenting issues
- Make the best use of other community resources and activities
For your baby to:
- Become more independent
- Discover abilities
- Learn new skills
All of our programs are “family-centered.” This means that you, the parent, decide on what kind of support you need.
Families play a vital role in every child’s development. Physical, social, emotional, behavioural, communication and intellectual development depend in part on experiences provided by the infant’s family.
Once you are referred to a program, a consultant will visit you in your home. Together, you will plan activities that best meet both your child’s and your family’s needs. If your child has a disability (special need), up-to-date information will be available to you.
Infant Development Consultants are professionals. They have skills and knowledge in child development, and can assist you to enhance your child’s development in these important years.
Your participation is voluntary and free of charge. The programs are supported by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
When your baby needs extra help, the Infant Development Program is available – for you and your family.
Community Referrals
As a parent, you may contact the Infant Development Program directly, or you may be referred by:
- A doctor
- A public health nurse, or
- A community professional
Professional Partners
The Infant Development Program works in partnership with other professionals in your community. These include:
- Public Health Nurse
- Physiotherapists/Occupational Therapists
- Speech & Language Pathologists
- Physician or Pediatrician
- Preschool/Daycare Personnel
- Hospital Professionals
- Social Workers
- Behaviour Consultants
- Supported Child Development Consultants
- Family Resource Program staff
Services Available
Infant Development Program services may include:
- Home visits to encourage progress, develop new activities and support parents
- Developmental assessments and written reports
- Playgroup with parent participation
- Parent workshops or support groups
- Therapy referrals
- A toy and book-lending library
- Assistance for you and your child making the transition to a preschool/day care program
- Service coordination