Nature and Scope of Programs
Each Infant Development Program, Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal, and each Supported Child Development Program, Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal, shall have a well-defined plan for providing services to the family/child and shall adhere to guidelines established in their program’s manuals.
Organization and Management
The method of providing services shall be clearly defined, well organized and integrated with other services in the community. The programs are supported by either Regional or Provincial Advisors.
Staffing and Facilities
There shall be an adequate number of qualified personnel conveniently located within the region of service. Personnel requirement and job description shall be followed as noted in the applicable Policy manuals.
Policies and Procedures
There shall be written policies and procedures which shall provide Infant Development and Supported Child Development consultants with clear direction as well as the limitation and responsibilities of their service to clients. The Consultant shall adhere to the policies, procedures and regulations consistent with the goals and objectives of the program, as laid out in their manual.
The Consultant shall document services provided to the family and child in a file and this file shall be made available to the family.
Specifics: This file may consist of: Screening and intake forms, internal assessments and reports, external correspondences, service plans and goals, progress and case notes, agreements,, and consent for the exchange of information forms.
Quality Assurance
Consultants shall be evaluated on a continuing basis to ensure that they are providing effective and high quality service. This evaluation should include consumer review and individual evaluation by supervisor, whenever possible.
Each Consultant shall endeavor to further his/her professional skills and training to the benefit of the people served.
Consultants and/or Programs may participate in research pertaining to early infant development and/or impact on family, provided the research does not interfere with service to families.
Community Involvement
Consultants shall actively participate in identification and development of resources in their communities related to developmentally delayed children and their families.