Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics will apply to all Infant Development, Aboriginal Infant Development, Supported Child Development and Aboriginal Supported Child Development Consultants working in the Province of B.C.
Professionalism of Consultants
All members will:
- Maintain and improve their professional knowledge and skills.
- Adhere to professional standards, as stated by their Association.
- Be responsible for their programs and services to families and the community, and for any persons under their direct supervision.
- Represent their profession in a positive manner.
- Ensure that situations do not develop where conflicts of interest exist.
- Accept the responsibility to promote the philosophical principles of their program as outlined in the appropriate Provincial Manual.
Personnel Standards
Members will report in writing, within ten days, to the Board of the Association when aware of unethical conduct on the part of another member.
As part of a professional organization, all members are respectful of each individual in the Association.
Partnerships with Families, Communities and Professionals.
All members will:
- Adhere to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act when working with families.
- Ensure information collected and reported on is accurate, objective, reflects developmentally appropriate practices, and is made available to the family for review.
- Respect the unique differences in culture, religion, diversity, and ethnic background of each family and child.
- Maintain a relationship with the child and family that facilitates a partnership and ensures the promotion of the philosophical goals of the programme.
- Respect the rights of parents as the ultimate decision makers for their child’s well-being. They encourage them to participate actively in all aspects of planning and decision making, and support them in their decisions.
Professional Relationships
All members will:
- Enhance service to families by working cooperatively with other professionals and acknowledging their areas of expertise.
- Maintain a relationship with members of the community and agencies and build partnerships within the community to support the well-being of families and their children.
- Work collaboratively with their sponsoring society to enhance the goals and interests of the families being served by their Program.